Iris Sibirica

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Année de création

Careless Sally

Pearl white standards with light mauve hues. Wide falls amply coloured and veined with reddish purple. Large cream yellow marking.


    Other curiosity on the genus map, the result of crossing an iris pseudacorus with an iris ensata. Pale yellow standards and wide yellow fairly horizontal falls finely striped with chocolate. Good sized flowers (8 cm diameter) standing well clear of the fo

      Royal Dolly

      Light pinkish violet standards and pale lavender style arms. Deep red-violet falls with a gold signal edged white. Coming from ‘Polly Dodge’ x iris setosa and so exceptional vigour.

        Sparkling Rose

        Pinkish-mauve with a big bluish throat and bronze veining. A tetraploid variety.

          Trim The Velvet

          Wide, purplish blue flowers of firm substance. Fine white edge around the falls. Small white spot with purple veins.