Tall bearded

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New and strange: absinthe yellow to buff yellow standards; almost horizontal falls, absinthe to amber yellow with a hint of light violet below the bronze yellow beards. Prolific plants producing numerous tall stalks with many buds. Strong ruffling.


    Standards between cream and yellow, medium yellow falls green tinted. Yellow beards. Many moderate sized flowers and good reflowering at beginning of fall. (Byers 1988)


      White standards deeply tinted acid yellow from their base to the two thirds of their height. Almost horizontal falls, light ocher yellow with a creamy white rim. Orange yellow beards quite discreet. The shape of the flowers is stunning as the whirling dervish dance. Branching is perfect and offers 8 to 10 buds.


        Clear yellow standards with laced edges. Round falls, gently ruffled, golden yellow turning to cream under the orange beards ending white. Perfect branching. Bringing some light to the garden.

          DOMINIQUE C.

          Radiant and sparkling, as was Dominique herself... the colours of this iris have an unforgettable "joie de vivre": pure bright yellow standards, white falls with a wide yellow border creeping towards the centre. Golden yellow beards. Quite rounded flowers with crimped edges like its parent "Just Before Dawn". Quite a short stem but well-branched.

            DREAM TEAM

            An interesting and attractive combination of two different tones of yellow, each with a touch of green. Standards are a light greenish yellow and falls are buttercup yellow with numerous tight ruffles. Orange beards.

              GOLD GALORE

              Pure deep golden yellow, beards the same. Almost horizontal falls, moderately waved flowers. Good and extremely bright colour.

                GOLDEN IMMORTAL

                Barium yellow, deeper on falls except around the orange beards. Nice shape and edges with serrated ruffles. Good grower and it often reflowers in September or October.
                Flowering:Early to late

                  GRAND CANARI

                  Pure bright yellow with a central white stripe on the falls and an orange beard which ends in a feathery white spur. Excellent low branching with 4 stems. The numerous buds: 8 to 10, ensure a long flowering period, late in the season.

                    HERE COMES THE SUN

                    Shines like the sun! Entirely pure golden yellow with deep golden yellow beards. Gently ruffled flowers of excellent substance. Remarkably well branched stems.

                      LEMON BUBBLY

                      Standards white heavily veined and edged lemon; style arms lemon; falls bright white, slight lemon rim, yellow shoulders; beards chinese yellow, white at end; heavily laced; slight sweet fragrance.
                      Flowering:Early to late


                        Sibling to ‘Conspiration’ but totally different. White standards infused and veined green-yellow. Large, firm-bodied and ruffled standards bronzed yellow with thin green-bronze veins. Bushy burnt orange beards as the mane of a lion. Well-branched stems.

                          LOUIS D'OR

                          Dazzling golden yellow or cadmium yellow. Golden yellow beards with thin red-brown streaks around them. Very elegant flowers and long flowering season.

                            LUNE ET SOLEIL

                            Creamy yellow standards and bright pure yellow falls with small yellow beards. Flowers of a good shape, ruffled, with nearly horizontal falls. Buds at regular intervals on the strong, very straight stems. Very visible from a distance.

                              MARTILE ROWLAND

                              New and truly interesting yellow: lemon yellow with bright and vivid red-orange beards on a small paler area. Ruffled and laced flowers.

                                MIAMI BEACH

                                New, beautifully shaped yellow! Golden yellow, slightly amber standards and very wide yellow falls with a small white area under the orange red beards. Compact, very well-balanced flowers, good branching, vigorous. Certainly one the best yellows with a red beard.

                                  MILLE SOLEILS

                                  Ok, yellow again, but what a yellow! Pure Gold! Generously branched stalks carrying an average of 14 buds and sometimes up to 16! As for the colour, it's a beautifully silky golden yellow with a bright orange beard. Exquisitely shaped flowers with subtly rippled edges.

                                    MONSOON MOON

                                    A tendency toward green : olive yellow standards with hues of purple toward the heart. Falls are a paler olive yellow. Lavender beards with greenish tips. Lovely shape, ruffled, freeflowering (7-9 buds on average) and vigorous.


                                      Bright yellow standards and golden yellow falls sanded with white near the orange-yellow beards. It does not burn under hot sun. Good grower. (Smith 1992)

                                        PIRATE'S QUEST

                                        The very large, well-bodied flowers are slightly ruffled. Pure golden yellow with beards of the same colour on a small white area. 6 to 7 buds and often several stems per clump. Great garden value.