Tall bearded

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Standards are a light lilac blue, darker at the base; wide, softly bluish white falls. Remarkable bright white beards tipped in coral-red. An exquisite shape with a number of small and tight ruffles. Moreover, a very soft and attractive fragrance.
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Pure white standards and white falls with a wide pure mid-blue border. Pale yellow beards. Excellent grower and bloomer. "Alizes" gained the RHS Award of Garden Merit in 2000.


    An elegant descendant of the excellent "Crowned Heads". Light blue standards and snow white falls with just a touch of greenish yellow near the sunshine yellow beards. Particularly attractive flowers with little ruffling. Vigorous growth.


      Upright standards, white tinted chartreuse-yellow, wide falls between eggplant and black with yellow-orange beards on an acid yellow spot. Magnificent form, amply ruffled and perfect stems with 8 to 9 buds. Sibling to ‘Il est Formidable’ and ‘Mer de Crête’. Excellent parentage.
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      Bred from our long lineage of "black and white" iris. White, only slightly toned lavender standards. Falls close to horizontal are of a velvety black with a tiny amethyst edging. The throat is white, striated with crimson surrounding dark orange beards. Quite different from 'Domino Noir'! 7 buds/stalk. (Cayeux seedling 06 117 A)
      Flowering:Mid-season to late
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      ASTRID C.

      Pure white standards, pale lilac falls, deeper towards edges. Discreet orange beard. "Astrid C." gives a strong feeling of freshness.
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      From crosses made by Paul Black in Australia. White standards infused with acid yellow at their base, acid yellow falls with a thin white border and fine, clear veining. Orange yellow beards. Sturdy plant, flowers are prettily frilled. (Black 2012)
      Flowering:Mid-season to late
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      Bright clean white standards and wide pansy violet falls. White heart streaked violet and lit up with a liminous orange-red beard. Excellent stems. Sixth prize at the American Convention in 1998. One of our best creations.
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      Soft lavender standards and white falls tinted very pale pinkish lavender, contrasted against the bright tangerine beards. An iris with lots of finesse and great style! Very ruffled flowers, 8 to 9 buds per stem. Vigorous grower with good resistance to disease.
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      Bluish-white standards with a touch of grey, velvety violet-purple falls with a lavender border. Quite fine smoky, orange beards. Beautiful low branched stems. Similar to ‘Profond Mystère’, but superior, in our opinion. (Cayeux sowing 11 193 A).


        Magnificent contrast between the immaculate white standards and purpled magenta falls. Clear yellow beards prolonged by a white medial stripe. It has the vigour of its parent "Jazzed Up" and flowers generously because of its profusion of buds: 11 to 14 on each stem!
        Flowering:Mid-season to late


          A very French iris named after the remarkable British Cathedral where it has been launched! Creamy white standards with finely serrated butter yellow edges. Deep golden yellow falls and orange beards. A very rich tone, sound branching, good substance and averaging 8 buds per stem.
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          Nice amoena of pastel tones: creamy white standards and soft buff-apricot falls. Rich flowering (7/8 buds per stem) reblooming often in July or August.
          Flowering:Early to mid-season
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          Very large, original amoena with pure white standards and copper beige falls finely edged with cream. Pale yellow beards and styles. Very wide flowers (11.5cm x 16.5cm) remain in proportion to the foliage. Excellent!
          Flowering:Mid-season to late
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          Magnificent offspring of our champion "Ravissant". Totally pure white standards and large pinkish purple falls with a large white heart, contrasting against the orange-yellow beards. Moderate ruffles, excellent branching. Pure, crisp colours. A very decorative flower.


            A very appealing Amoena with pure white standards infused with pale apricot as the buds open, and copper-apricot falls. Bright tangerine beards. The falls are vigorous, nearly horizontal and closely ruffled at the edges. Well-balanced strong stems.
            Flowering:Early to mid-season
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            CHÂTEAU D’USSÉ

            Amply ruffled white standards, blue-violet falls slightly paler under the orange beards. It has inherited the perfect form of his mother : GYPSY LORD. 8 buds on average. This is an honour for us to named this new Cayeux’s iris after the prestigious castle of Ussé on the river Loire.
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            CIEL ET MER

            Robust descendant of "Futuriste" and "World Premier". Very pale blue standards and strong indigo-blue falls, fairly discreet yellow beards. Enormous flowers enlivened by strong, ample ruffles. Flowers quite close to the main stem, a characteristic inherited from its parent, "World Premier".

              CIEL GRIS SUR POILLY

              We hesitated for a long time whether to introduce this iris, but lots of iris lovers urged us that we should... So here is an amoena with mid-grey rather than white standards. The golden yellow beards light up the grey of the nearly horizontal falls. Certainly an unusual colour, but original, and would have its place in many a garden. 5 to 6 buds.
              Flowering:Mid-season to late

                COMME UN OEUF

                Another sibling to our 2018 introduction 'Epatant'. Very soft creamy yellow standards and eggyolk yellow falls with a discreet cream border. Bright orange beards. Falls are almost horizontal with jagged edges. Excellent branching true to this large and beautiful family's. (Cayeux seedling 10 309 D)