Tall bearded

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Gracefully shaped flowers with sky blue standards and darker blue-violet plicata markings on ruffled ivory falls. Popular iris, prize-winner several times despite a moderate average count of buds (only 5 to 6).


    Excellent variety with dark violet standards marked with white in the centre and pure white falls with a clearly drawn dark blue-violet bordure 1cm wide. Very floriferous with 8 to 12 buds.


      Very pale lavender standards amply sanded with small lavender dots, pure white ground falls with a deep violet border. White beards tipped orange, surrounded by short violet veins. Border bearded iris, excellent branching and 10 buds per stem.


        Unique: bright ochre-orange falls washed with a white splash in their centres and edged in orange-apricot tones, luminous orange standards. Orange-red beards. One of the latest to bloom.
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        This unique Plicata with a white background is a son of the renowned 'Splashacata' which was awarded the Dykes medal. White falls completely peppered with dark purple dots. Bronze yellow beards. Lots of style and a pleasant fragrance.


          Arched ochre-apricot standards and ruffled creamy white falls precisely edged with yellow-apricot. Tangerine beards. Winner of the Florence Iris Competition in 1997.

            CHANGE OF PACE

            Delicate pink standards. Deep rose-violet plicata markings and peppering on edge of falls which have a white background. Yellow beards. It is a robust iris with large flowers and 8 to 9 buds.

              CHEAP FRILLS

              Buff-coloured standards with a hint of peach. Falls with a white background edged in the same colour as the standards but peppered light brown to cinnamon. Red-orange beards prolonged with a fine cinnamon toned line. Stands tall with ruffled flowers.

                CLASS RING

                Mahogany red standards, slightly closed. Cream grounded falls with a precise burgundy red border, 6 to 7 mm wide. Marigold orange beards. Top class plicata !

                  CREME FOUETTEE

                  From its father, 'Lumarco', it inherited a wonderful delicateness in tone and shape. Boasting standards of pure white, lemon-yellow styles and plicata-like falls with thin light-violet edges. The beard's heart is yellow, the tips white. Good stem with an average of 8 buds.

                    DOG DAYS

                    Upright, light mahogany standards, broad, buttery yellow falls under the copper-orange beards, edged and stippled with coppery red. Fine midline in mahogany. Superb shape, numerous flowers bordered by small frills. Good branching. (Black 2011)


                      Sturdy and elegant flowers with clear yellow standards and creamy white falls cleanly edged with gold. Robust stems easily support a profusion of waved flowers.

                        EN POINTILLES

                        White standards with a delicate light lilac-mauve plicata  style border , sépales pure white with a narrow purple violet plicata style border. Rusty red beards shouldered with short purple violet stripes. Moderate sized flowers of nice shape, till 11 per stem. Coming from an original cross : ‘Terre à Silex’ x ‘Dancing in the Dark’.

                          FIRST INTERSTATE

                          A dazzling iris: pure golden yellow standards and white flaring falls precisely edged in golden yellow. Broad ruffled flowers and 8 to 9 buds. A real beauty for the garden.


                            A cheerfully coloured Plicata. Medium sized flowers with intense pink standards. Falls feature a creamy white background enhanced by a wide raspberry border and a raspberry middle line extending from the copper tipped beards. Lengthened flowering season. 7 buds. (Cayeux seedling 10 98 C)
                            Flowering:Early to mid-season
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                            GOT THE MELODY

                            A very delicate pattern for this plicata: falls are starch white with a thin magenta purple seam (6mm wide). Standards are of the same colour but with a wider border. Yellow beards with white tips. Abundant flowering: 10-12 buds per stalk.

                              HAPPY AGAIN

                              Remarkable and luminous offspring of 'First Interstate'. Cadmium yellow standards and white falls with a large border of the same yellow (2 cm). Gold beards shouldered with cadmium yellow. In addition to its beauty, 'Happy Again' boasts a lot of exuberantly ruffled flowers: 9 to 12 per stalk.

                                INK PATTERNS

                                No doubt the best bluish purple Plicata on a white background. Both standards and falls are neatly bordered. Beards are a light lavender.  A very strong plant yielding up to 4 stalks per rhizome, each carrying 9 buds. Perfect shape.
                                Flowering:Mid-season to late