warm tints

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Année de création



Very graceful small orange iris of strong substance with large, nearly horizontal falls. The flowers are average-sized, compact and well-proportioned in relation to the plant. The beards are mandarin-toned and the stem carries an average of 7 buds.


    Perfectly plain raspberry or rosy mulberry, beards the same. Excellent new colour and interesting variety for hybridizers who would like to create a true red iris. RHS Award of Garden Merit 2006.


      As warm as the south of Spain: bright and pure yellow standards and velvety red falls. Extremely clean contrast and exceptionally vigourous. RHS Award of Garden Merit 2006.
      Flowering:Early to mid-season


        Canary yellow standards , horizontal chestnut or mahogany falls with golden yellow beards, sometimes extended by a small white spur. Very good stems, good substance and long flowering . 8 buds . (Cayeux Seedling 10 45 A)


          Ruffled and vivid chrome sulphur yellow with sulphur yellow beards. It blooms for a long time and brings an extremely bright tint to the garden.
          Flowering:Mid-season to late

            CABLE CAR

            Coppered brown or golden caramel with orange beards. Round flowers in hot tones.

              CIDRE DOUX

              Superb apricot, slightly rosy at the centre of the standards and marginally paler under the beards. Strong flowers have very ruffled edges and the beards are between tangerine and red. Exemplary branching with an average of 9 to 10 buds.
              Flowering:Mid-season to late


                A well balanced specimen which will brighten up your garden. Slightly roasted, copper-honeyed tone with orange beards. Excellent branching like its predecessor 'Coup de Soleil'. It features an average of 10 buds, with moderately sized flowers resulting in a harmonious balance.

                  CINQUE TERRE

                  A most unusual two-toned iris ! Magenta standards infused with purple toward the centre. Ochre red falls, paler toward the bright yellow beards. Flowers of gorgeous shape (7-10) standing on very tall stalks.

                    DREAM TEAM

                    An interesting and attractive combination of two different tones of yellow, each with a touch of green. Standards are a light greenish yellow and falls are buttercup yellow with numerous tight ruffles. Orange beards.

                      DUTCH CHOCOLATE

                      Brown-red or pure coppered chocolatee with bronze beards. Bright tint and firm-bodied.
                      Flowering:Early to mid-season

                        FIRST PICK

                        Erect, burgundy-red standards and falls with a cream background and a very wide (2,5cm), burgundy-red border in the Plicata style.  Exquisite, compact shape. Rather discreet burgundy-red beards. Strong stalks with only 5 to 6 buds, yet what a beauty! (Schreiner 2011)
                        Flowering:Early to late

                          DOMINIQUE C.

                          Radiant and sparkling, as was Dominique herself... the colours of this iris have an unforgettable "joie de vivre": pure bright yellow standards, white falls with a wide yellow border creeping towards the centre. Golden yellow beards. Quite rounded flowers with crimped edges like its parent "Just Before Dawn". Quite a short stem but well-branched.


                            Pale mauve wine-coloured standards and rosé-wine falls, lighter than the standards and almost horizontal. Orange-red beards. Firm-bodied flowers slightly waved and free-flowering (8 to 9 buds per stem). Superb branching. Unusual colour between rosé and Bordeaux, very attractive!
                            Flowering:Mid-season to late