Nouveautés 2024


A refreshing vision in shades of white and blue. Petals pure crystalline white and broad aniline blue sepals fading towards light yellow beards. Extremely floriferous.


    Gorgeous is this plain beetroot red with deep bronze beards relatively discreet. Large and ruffled flowers (character inherited from its parent ‘Diabolique’). Tall stems, very elegant and 10 buds in average.


      Mahogany red standards, slightly closed. Cream grounded falls with a precise burgundy red border, 6 to 7 mm wide. Marigold orange beards. Top class plicata !
      Flowering:Early to mid-season


        Lavender-white standards widely tinted pale green chartreuse; almost horizontal falls eggplant with a satin finish and a narrow amethyst rim. Yellow-orange beards ending pale lavender. Moderate sized and ruffled flowers, well balanced with the plant. Good branch and mysterious look.

          DANSE DU FEU

          Mid red-brown standards, brown coppered falls and golden yellow beards. One of the first cayeux’s intros in Poilly-lez-Gien.

            DANSEUSE D'ASIE

            Ultra-bright golden yellow with sepals striped with large, deep red veins. A lovely, warm contrast that stands out from afar.


              White standards deeply tinted acid yellow from their base to the two thirds of their height. Almost horizontal falls, light ocher yellow with a creamy white rim. Orange yellow beards quite discreet. The shape of the flowers is stunning as the whirling dervish dance. Branching is perfect and offers 8 to 10 buds.

                DEUX SOLEILS

                Clear yellow standards with laced edges. Round falls, gently ruffled, golden yellow turning to cream under the orange beards ending white. Perfect branching. Bringing some light to the garden.


                  White standards with a hint of very pale blue and slightly infused light green. Very wide falls, olive-yellow washed clear brown . Bronze beards. Imposing flowers, strongly ruffled and firm-bodied. Excellent branching with 8 to 9 buds in average. A significative step in our search of a green amoena.


                    Pure white falls with a strong infusion of golden yellow in their center. Creamy white falls with deep mauve veins and also washed mid-mauve towards their edges. Bright golden yellow beards in harmony with the golden touch of the standards.

                      GET RYTHM

                      Light pink standards, pinky white falls with heavily encised deep purple veins over centers and outer 1/3 heavily washed grape. Vivid coral tangerine beards. Flowers of moderate size, short but well-branched stalks (staying upright on windy days).

                        GRANDE GAZELLE

                        Upright standards, beige with a touch of golden yellow at top. Milky white falls with a narrow and clear yellow border (3-4 mm wide), bright yellow beards yellow shouldered. Large and ruffled flowers and well-branched stalks. A pleasant and rather unique new variety.


                          Standards dark lavender; falls same, white blaze spot around beard; beards white. Parentage unknown.

                            IL EST FORMIDABLE

                            Undoubtedly our favourite among our 2024 introductions ! Pure white standards with some pale yellow-green at base. Ruffled standards, almost horizontal, with a clear lavender-white ground washed and striped with purple. Each flower on a same stalk is different depending on the purple rays. Beards clear orange on a yellow-green area lighten these magnificent flowers. Well-branched stems, 7 buds in average. Sibling to ‘As de Carreau’ (Cayeux 2024).

                              LEMON BUBBLY

                              Standards white heavily veined and edged lemon; style arms lemon; falls bright white, slight lemon rim, yellow shoulders; beards chinese yellow, white at end; heavily laced; slight sweet fragrance.