Nouveautés 2025


A descendant of ‘Terre à silex’ and ‘Cocktail Tropical’, this bicolour offers a wonderful contrast between its delicate buff-pink petals and burgundy-black sepals spotted with white. Rusty red barbs. Soft flowers.


    From ‘Val de Loire’ and ‘A la mode’, surprising white petals infused with lilac, turning beige-white at the edges, as compact as ‘Songeur’.
    Deep lilac sepals turning to very pale lilac towards the edges. Bright tangerine barbs.


      Magnificent new design. Beautiful contrast between wisteria-blue petals and deep violet-blue sepals. Lavender-bronze bung beards. 7 buttons maximum.

        Comme Il Faut

        Amoena with bluish-white petals and white sepals edged with bright blue. Prominent, bright yellow barbs. Branchy.


          Amoena with pure white petals, light lilac infused. Violet sepals with a narrow lilac-white serrated edge. Orange barbs dotted with white. Sweet, flowery fragrance.

            DOUCE HOULE

            A beautiful amoena from ‘Rémy Belleau’ and ‘Bashful Princess’. Pure white petals, very pale lavender sepals with a red beard. Light fragrance.
            Moderate undulations with grace. Very fresh colours.

              ECHARPE BLEUE

              Unusual pattern reminiscent of ‘RUBAN BLEU’: white petals with just a hint of blue shading. Large white sepals with a clear navy blue border. Red barbs. A lovely, soft flowery fragrance.

                GOUTTES DE MIEL

                Son of ‘Poilly s'éveille’ and ‘Ring Around Rosie’. Bright copper-yellow petals. Sepals with pure white background, dotted, wide border and honey-copper median stripe.
                Golden yellow barbs. Lovely, sweet, flowery fragrance.

                  GRAND MONSIEUR

                  A majestic Amoena descended from ‘Tel Arlequin’ and ‘Domino noir’. Lovely contrast between white petals with an imperceptible purple border and purple-black sepals with orange barbs. Soft flowers. 6 to 7 buds.

                    GRAND SAMOURAÏ

                    Warm tone from ‘Ciel gris sur Poilly’ and ‘Au bord du Lac’, pale yellow petals, olive yellow sepals with cream stripes and white stripes around the beard. 
                    extended by a white median stripe.


                      Magnificent Amoena son of ‘Charlie’. Petals absolutely pure white, sepals light violet veined with a white centre. Golden yellow barbs. Soft flowers.

                        PÉTILLANT BOURGOGNE

                        Plicata genus ‘PROVENCAL’ of modern form. Petals burgundy red, sepals cream ground, sprinkled with a rich deep burgundy red, wide margins and median burgundy stripe. Orange barbs. Excellent stems, branching and full of buds. Sweet, flowery fragrance.

                          REGARD MELANCOLIQUE

                          Amoena from ‘Ciel gris sur Poilly’, a touch of modernity with white petals and light greyish yellow striped sepals with a fine white border. 
                          White barbs with a bronze tip. Softly flowering.

                            VALSE POURPRE

                            Pleasant amoena, petals white with just a hint of lavender on purple sepals with a 5 mm lighter lilac-violet border. Prominent red barbs.