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Année de création



Canary yellow standards , horizontal chestnut or mahogany falls with golden yellow beards, sometimes extended by a small white spur. Very good stems, good substance and long flowering . 8 buds . (Cayeux Seedling 10 45 A)


    Deep indigo-blue with white dots around the white beards.


      Whilst always seeking to be original, one could almost forget these subtle yet useful colours. Deliciously lavender pink with a very thin and discrete lavender beard. Quality branching with 8 buds on average, very prolific.

        AU BORD DU LAC

        White standards with blue pigmentation on the edges, broad white falls a clear blue violet border and orange-yellow beards. First-class shape, substance and shank.


          The cross "Chevalier de Malte" with "Conjuration" has given us many good seedlings, "Aurélie" is one of them. It has white standards with lavender on their edges and flaring purple-violet falls with a large white centre. The thick red beard ends in a white spur. Well-branched stalks. Winner at the Florence iris competition in 2007.

            AUTUMN CIRCUS

            White standards lightly peppered blue-violet. White falls with bold lines radiating from white beard, blue-violet plicata edge. It regularly reblooms at the beginning of autumn.


              This historic variety (a descendent of "Dalmatica") features light to mid tones of lavender, lighter around the white, golden-tipped beards. Flowers are larger than the Iris Pallida's, and quite charming.

                BAIE DES ANGES

                A very attractive solid light to medium blue with bright tangerine beards. This iris is a descendant of "Princesse Caroline de Monaco" and "Eau Vive", both blue with tangerine coloured beards. Medium sized flowers with a lovely shape. We feel that the pureness of tone compensates for the relatively small number of buds (6-7 on average).

                  BALLET DU BOLCHOÏ

                  Pink, pink, pink! From two magnificent pink parents: ‘June Krauss’ and ‘Hortensia Rose’ here is a new, intense pink flower with the purest of coral beards. Unfussy, plump flowers. Good foliage and 8 buds per stem on average. (Cayeux seedling 10 276 A)

                    BAMBI DOLL

                    Pink with melon hues and a tiny green throat. A small flower, yet full and elegant. Deciduous foliage.

                      BE HAPPY

                      Blue-white standards and medium yellow falls. It sometimes reflowers.
                      Flowering:Mid-season to late

                        BE MY ANGEL

                        Soft beige-pink, lighter on the falls. Tangerine beards in the throat, tipped with lavender.
                        Flowering:Mid-season to late


                          Delightful small, white Plicata with a purplish fuchsia border and markings. Brilliant orange-yellow beards
                          Flowering:Mid-season to late

                            BEE WINGS

                            Green-yellow flower with bronze coloured heart.

                              BELLE DE MAI

                              Wonderfully lively and salmon-pink standards framed by creamy pink, nearly horizontal falls with amethyst borders (over 5 to 7 mm). Long and thick coral-red beards ending in spurs of the same colour but which light up the pink of the falls. These truly inimitable lively tones will please those who are looking for a touch of brightness.