Tall bearded

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Pinkish white standards, crimson toward the base. Falls are a warm white, slightly peach-toned. Tangerine beards. Lovely shape with ruffled and jagged edges. Tall, well-branched stalks. Strong grower. Light, musky fragrance. (Black 2011)
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Our visitors'favourite in 1998, 1999 and 2000, "Buisson de Roses" also won awards at the American Convention and the Florence iris Competition in 1998. This perfectly plain salmon pink with nice tangerine beards produces lovely flowers in abundance with often 3 to 4 opened at the same time. You must try it!
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It has inherited from "Enchanting" these unusual pink tones. Deep purple-pink standards and medium purple-pink falls, lighter in their centre. Thick burnt orange beards. Ruffled flowers.


    Difficult to describe the colours hover between plain pink amaranthe and light raspberry red, becoming paler under the tangerine beards. Good-sized, wonderfully shaped flowers with ruffled edges. Exemplary stalks bearing 9 to 10 buds on average.
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    This son of "Coming up Roses" is a heavily ruffled rosy lilac with lighter and pinker falls. Beards are tangerine. Vigorous grower and good stalks.


      Light peach-pink standards and white falls with a narrow pale pink border. Think coral pink beards ending white and shouldered deep pink. Large and laced flowers ‘full of grace’. 7 to 10 buds per stem.
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      A pleasing descendant of 'Happenstance' showing pale pink standards and pinkish white falls which are peach toned around bright red-orange beards. Delicately jagged edging. Excellent branching and strong growth.


        Sister to "Belgian Princess"! Amethyst standards, darker in the center and orchid pink falls turning pinkish white toward the heart. Tangerine beards. Perfect stalks with 3 branches and 8 to9 buds. 3 lavishly ruffled flowers often open at the same time.


          Large flowers with pale pink standards and lilac pink falls featuring extremely long coral red beards with lavender pink spurs (in an almost triangular dagger-shape). Long stalks with an average of 8 buds.

            ROSE DÉSIR

            For me, this is the result of years of investigation! This pink Amoena delights us with its superior branching offering 9-10 buds on average per stalk, its pure white standards over rather intense candy pink falls with tangerine beards. A perfectly balanced plant (Cayeux seedling 07 22 A)

              SI TENDRE

              Sibling to 'Tapis Rouge' , yet completely different in its so very pleasant pastel tones. Very light pink beige standards framed by wide and ruffled falls of pale lavender pink turning white toward the centre. Light orange beards.


                A son of "Caprice de Star" in subtle pastel tones: light pink standards and pinkish white falls darkening along the coral pink beards. Large flowers carried by perfect low branching and well balanced stems. A very vigorous plant with an average of 9 to 10 buds per stem.
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                TOP GUN

                Creamy pink standards. Cool rose-pink and laced falls with deep orange beards. Perfectly shaped flowers and a good grower.

                  TROPICAL DELIGHT

                  Clear peach pink standards and wide pink falls with a touch of lilac on the edges and slightly paler in the centre. Big tangerine beards with a long and feathered purple-pink horn. The flowers are richly ruffled and of a good size. Original!