Nouveautés 2023


Amply ruffled white standards, blue-violet falls slightly paler under the orange beards. It has inherited the perfect form of his mother : GYPSY LORD. 8 buds on average. This is an honour for us to named this new Cayeux’s iris after the prestigious castle of Ussé on the river Loire.


    We named this new blue DÉFERLANTE BLEUE because each stem carries regularly 12 to 14 flowers. Standards are mid to azure blue and falls clear blue. Gold beards ending pale blue. Classic form but exceptional flowering power.


      Though it has a moderate count of buds : 6 on average, we do like this son of INFUSION TILLEUL. Pure white standards  and pale lavender falls with a lime border, 4 mm wide. Orange beards. Excellent form, ruffled and well-branched stalks.


        Warm coppery bronze standards. Pigeon’s throat falls and golden yellow beards shouldered copper. Special Prize S.N.H.F in 1928


          Golden copper standards infused and washed with smoky purple, white falls infused clear purple-lavender especially in centre , copper-yellow border. Orange beards ending blue. Coming from DAKOTA SMOKE, unusual combination, strong growth.
          Flowering:Mid-season to late

            LOUISE AUREAU

            Pleasant light blue , slightly lavender, with golden yellow beards. Thin and well-branched stalks.

              PERITO MORENO

              As MISS NOTREURE, this imposing amoena comes directly from HAUNTED HEART. Wide white standards and very large falls white washed azure-blue and discreetly veined blue-lavender. Discreet pale blue beards tipped golden yellow. Ruffled with grace and 8 buds on average.

                SPICE TRADER

                Stunning son of the Dykes medalist GOLDEN PANTHER. Golden bronze standards with a clear brown border (1 cm wide). Golden yellow falls washed bronze and violet blaze below the copper-orange beards.

                  TAKING CHANCES

                  Icy white-violet standards, purple falls darker at their center and with a pretty and narrow pale lavender border. Beards brown in throat ending blue. Strongly ruffled, perfect form and 8 to 9 buds on average.


                    Mid-violet standards and velvety deep falls. Yellow beards surrounded by short white stripes.


                      Certainly the brighter yellow of our collection ! Mid golden yellow standards and slightly darker falls. Yellow-orange beards shouldered by short mahogany rays.