Cool tints

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Année de création



Pastel tones inherited from its parent, 'Wishful Thinking': soft Wysteria blue standards, darker towards the heart. White falls with hues of pinkish lavender. Pinkish-orange beards. A vigorous plant with a noticeable sweet fragrance.


    The sturdy moderately ruffled flowers are a charming, totally plain, light blue-violet. Numerous flowers produced on perfect stems (up to 10 buds on each). Light blue-violet beards tipped yellow. Exceptionally vigorous, it rapidly forms big clumps.
    Flowering:Mid-season to late


      Pure white standards, white falls with a wide deep blue-violet border and discreet clear yellow beards. It has inherited its horizontal falls from its father "Deltaplane". Strongly ruffled. A real novelty, unique in our collection.


        "Memphis Blues" and "Sapphire Hills" gave us this superbly shaped, medium-blue violet iris with tight ruffles on edges. A thin white median stripe extends the discreet light blue beard. Perfect stems and exceptional vigour.
        Flowering:Mid-season to late



          One of our favourites among our 25 new varieties for 2021! Absolutely pure white standards and falls with a pure white background also bordered in a regular way in deep indigo blue over nearly 2 cm in width. Bright yellow beards. Sculptural in shape and as majestic as the eponymous temple. (Cayeux Seedling 12 238 C).



            Is distinguished from all other blacks by its long cream beard (yellow at the heart) which creates a remarkable contrast with the velvety black of the falls. Purple black standards. Moderately wavy, 6 to 7 buds per stem, distributed over three beautiful branched stems. (Schreiner 2009).
            Flowering:Early to mid-season

              HEURE BLEUE

              We crossed "Ouragan" and "Yaquina Blue" to obtain this wonderful pure blue, between sky blue and mid-blue. It has huge, strudy round flowers moderately waved. Named best blue variety at the 2005 International Iris Competition at Florence.

                HIGH STAKES

                A real champion within this category! Huge flowers (16 cm x 11 cm) have a gentle flowing ruffle and the colour is deep royal purple perfectly plain, even the beards are purple. Each 6 to 8 budded stem has 2 to 3 flowers opening simultaneously. Excellent growth.

                  HONKY TONK BLUES

                  Deep wisteria blue mottled or streaked with blended grey-white on the falls. Deep wisteria blue beards. Perfect shape and stems (with 10 buds). Excellent.

                    INTO THE BLUE

                    This descendant of "Above the Clouds" and "Abiqua Falls"is of a wonderful pure sky blue with gracefully ruffled edges. Discreet pale yellowish white beards. The first of the light blues to flower. Also it remains in bloom for a long time due to an average
                    Flowering:Early to mid-season

                      IT'S A PLEASURE

                      A really classy descendant of "Wishful Thinking". Rosy lavender standards and falls of the same colour but lighter, except on the edges. White beards tipped with light tangerine. Robust, malady-resistant and up to 10 buds per stalk.
                      Flowering:Mid-season to late

                        JAVA BLEUE

                        Dark beauty and a son worthy of our excellent creation "Mer du Sud", "Java Bleue" is of an even more intense and perfectly unified blue - including the beards. The medium-sized flowers are pleasantly but not excessively waved. Numerous buds per stalk, at least 10, ensure a long flowering period. Quite compact foliage.

                          JOYEUSE MODE

                          Wonderfully shaped, amply ruffled pinkish lavender. Wide falls, slightly paler toward the centre. Beards are tangerine toward red. A classic tone but with a quality finishing. Really a useful tone in our gardens! (Cayeux seedling 10 355 A)

                            LOCAL COLOR

                            Extraordinary violet two tones : deep violet standards and dark velvety purple-violet falls edged light violet. Bright orange vermilion beards.

                              MARY FRANCES

                              Perfection in lilac tones. Broad and ruffled lilac flowers slightly clearer around the lilac beards.
                              Flowering:Mid-season to late