My 50 favorites 2023


White standards discreetly infused with amethyst along the edges and lemon yellow toward the heart. White falls with a purplish amethyst brim (1cm wide). Amply waved flowers with discreet pale yellow beards (average of 8 buds). The last one to flower in this year's collection.


    Excellent descendant of "Toile de Jouy"! Bright yellow standards, the falls a paler yellow with a small light brown border. Orange beards extended by a small, feathery, soft yellow spur. Round, well-bodied flowers, good branching, a great many buds (12 on average), ensuring a long flowering period.


      Sumptuous new variety with sky blue standards and satiny dark violet falls of as surprising luminosity. The falls are paler towards the dark rusty orange beards, shouldered with amaranth. Numerous ruffled flowers, low-branched stems, excellent foliage and long flowering-in short: a nearly perfect iris that is one of our favourites.


        Brother from the same sowing as ‘Masque Noir ’with slightly smoky yellow standards, and falls have a white ground which is edged, as well as almost entirely dusted with purple-violet; standards are thin at the base allowing the long orange beards to show. Very interesting and new! (Cayeux seedling 12 319 A).


          This new and luscious combination carries numerous elegantly ruffled flowers (11 on average) which feature medium-sized standards. The nearly horizontals falls of amaranth, with borders which turn to a light pink copper tone, are nicely echoed by bronze-coloured beards. We are pleased to have named this exquisite variety in memory of Madame Tardivier, former director of the Jardins des Tuileries at the Louvre.


            Velvety blue-black amoena with golden yellow beard ringed by a small white throat. Under certain light, the falls seem almost black. Well-spaced branching leaves room for each flower to express its full beauty. An invaluable step towards a pure black and white hybrid.


              White standards with a very discreet pale lavender brim. Almost horizontal falls, pure white with a precise amethyst border (10mm wide). Yellowish orange beards. A refreshing and attractive variety boasting good branching.

                PRINCE EUGENE

                A brilliant son of "Aurélie": With its white standards and wide, bright raspberry border on the falls, it is one of our favourites for 2015. With 4 stems and an average of 9 buds, this variety is a «must»!


                  Lilac-white standards on opening, then becoming pure white. Pure white falls with a clear bright lilac-pink border (7 mm) and mandarin beards. The stems, sometimes double at the bases, bear up to 12 buds. A fresh crisp effect.

                    OH! SUSANNAH

                    This is the 3rd seedling brother to 'Confiserie' and 'Attirance' which we introduce : Standards are an intense amethyst and falls in the same tone but slightly bluish around the bronze toned beards tipped with lavender. Exquisite shape with softly ruffled, almost horizontal falls. Excellent branching. (Cayeux Seedling 09 111 D)

                      PROFOND MYSTERE

                      This is the very own sibling of our iris 'Pesselières', introduced in 2016, and like its brother, hued in mystery. It boasts standards of a very light blue and velvety horizontal dark-violet falls with a fine light crimson border (2 mm). Thick copper orange beards. The stems are well balanced with low ramification.

                        REFLETS DU SOL

                        A new and attractive Plicata: Standards of a soft brown and falls with a cream-yellow background bordered in claret red. Beards are caramel brown. Well shaped flowers, ideal branching comparable to that of its mother, 'Clownerie. Strong substance. In short: a classy addition to this category! (Cayeux seedling 10 98 A)

                          REGARD SOMBRE

                          Horizontal coppery amber standards of velvet, somewhere between solid crimson-violet and aubergine tones. The flowers stand firmly, boasting their very ruffled edges and burned orange toned beards.


                            Very wavy, an excellent shape, one of the last tall iris to flower. Between bold rosy lavender and perfectly plain mid-mauve – in all, a well-structured variety which is little known. A real ornamental addition to any garden.

                              ROSE DE LA VALLEE

                              This is a delicate, soft, pinkish apricot with a tangerine beard. Nice wavy shape and good substance, with excellent branching. An in-between colour, delicate and very decorative..